Tuesday, July 26, 2011

An Aqua Pure Filter Is That Much More Satisfying

Imagine being taken prisoner and as a form of torture you are denied food and water. Food is one thing, but for three days your mouth is swollen shut with thirst, you don't move, and can barely even sleep. Your thoughts are unclear and sometimes, when you let it, the room spins. At this point you don't even care if it's brackish, you'd drink it. Then, finally, someone gives you a glass of water, lukewarm, which is good because you think that if it were too cold it might hurt and you'd choke or vomit.

Now I'm not going to say that this is the kind of feeling you'll have when you drink 3M water or water from an Aqua Pure filter. That seems a touch hyperbolic, don't you think? I simply wanted to remind you of how it feels to be thirsty so that you'll remember how good it is to satisfy that thirst.

After three days of no water you probably wouldn't care what kind of water you drink, but you can bet that it would taste that much better if it were from an Aqua Pure filter. Same idea goes when you haven't had any water for a few hours. The quality of water you drink when you're parched is that much more refreshing if it's really pure.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Everpure Water Filtration Quenches Your Thirst and Is Healthier

It is true that drinking filtered water is often healthier than any bottled water you get. Bottled water is not purer just because the company claims it was taken from mineral rich springs somewhere in the wilderness. The foreign imported waters are not as regulated as tap water with filters either. If you add an everpure water filter, you can get rid of the sometimes chlorinated taste. Aesthetically you won't have water with an odd taste or odor. That tends to be one of the biggest turn offs for people and why so many choose flavored water and other beverages instead. By getting rid of the put offs, you'll be more likely to choose the healthy option.Link

Having a filtration system, such as everpure filters, will guarantee that toxins, lead, and other contaminants are lessened. Not only that, but the filter will help you save money. Bottled water is much more expensive in the long run than getting a filter installed.

Added benefits of filtered water are healthier, shinier hair, softer skin, and much more. The pure water a filter provides aids in weight control, digestion, and detoxification. There are too many benefits to overlook it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Aqua Pure is the Most Refreshing Thing on Earth

The summer is relaxing, sultry, languorous. And it is really hot. It is important that if you find yourself sweating for no apparent reason, to stay hydrated. Anytime your forehead begins to perspire, head to the sink or an Oasis water dispenser and fill up a tall glass with that translucent liquid of life.

Water can improve your mood too. If you’re out on a hot day walking around, it may seem like your insides are shriveling up. Drinking a long gulp of water will give you buoyancy and a burst of energy, elasticity.

The thing is, nothing hydrates you like water. And on a hot summer day when you get inside after doing exercise or going for a long walk or doing manual labor, and drink a tall glass of cold water you will experience refreshment. Aqua pure is like a magical elixir that helps all of the world feel better. Plants looking a little droopy? Feed them water. Dog tired? When you hear his tongue lapping that bowl of water he’ll be giddy.

If you’re worried about the clarity and purity of your water, invest in an Oasis water dispenser and see how much tastier water can be.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Cuno Aqua Pure Water Is Great in Summer Heat

It's summer. That means we're getting 90-100+ degree weather. The heat is not going to change anytime soon but we can surely change our comfort level if we drink lots and lots of water. Bottled water is too expensive to buy continuously and regular tap water isn't as refreshing taste wise. But what are your alternatives? Electrolyte enhanced drinks use artificial coloring and flavoring that can't possibly be healthy. Aside from that they're never as refreshing as they claim. Nope. Nothing will do for you except pure water.

That's where a water filtration system comes in handy. With a filter on hand, you can get the water you need without extra cost or concern. Cuno aqua pure water is much tastier anyway. If you use cuno filters, you're going to get much clearer and satisfying water to quench your thirst. Say goodbye to that tinny flavored tap water, say goodbye to that expensive plastic mess made by the billions of bottled waters you'd have to purchase. Now you can enjoy fresh aqua pure plus treated water. Ice made with water going through these cuno filters will be an extra special treat. Now you can cool down any beverage you like without ruining its taste.