Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Re-think, Re-use, Re-cycle

Re-think, Re-use, Re-cycle
Nasa scientists have developed new technology that indicates that the most violent storms are becoming more common as the Earth's climate warms. As citizens of the Earth, we have to take a stand NOW, to ensure our world for our children & our children's children. To think that every human being is capable of helping the ecosystem daily is hopeful.
HOW??? One way is to stop buying bottles of water & reusing the bottles you already is that simple. By rethinkinking & restructuring our brain patterns, we can elimnate massive waste due to just plastic water bottles. Yes, I know what you're thinking, you do not want the inconvenience of refilling a used bottle, but just think of how many bottles YOU go through in a week...just a week.
American consumers spend more than $10,000 a minute on bottled water!!! However, according to government & industry estimates, about one forth of bottled water is bottled TAP water ( sometimes, but not always, with additional treatment).
Wouldn't YOU feel better knowing your water was safe, healthy & helping the environment?, also known as Superior Water Systems, Inc., started in 1996 is a leading Everpure seller in the web marketplace. allows you to drink clean water on a daily basis without harming the environment anymore.
REUSE the bottles you already have by refilling them with clean filtered water!

1 comment:

Filters4less said...

Y. It is true.
I read somewhere. Thanks for share this on web.