Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Schools Can Benefit From An Oasis Water Dispenser

I remember back when I was a kid that one of the best ways to get a break from sitting around listening to the teacher babble is to raise your hand and ask to get water. The water dispensers in the hall were a good place to go to quench your thirst, get a little walk, and be ready to go back to work. And, as it turns out, having clean, healthy water boosts your energy naturally and gives you that extra motivation to continue in your day.

We think that going to work is tough enough. Kids have to sit for hours and they can't even feel productive, they just listen and read and occasionally answer a question. Schools should invest in having an oasis water dispenser or two per hallway as a means to give these students a healthy break. Oasis water dispensers can be installed directly into walls and can provide around 12 or so gallons of chilled drinking water an hour. You can also find several free standing models designed at lower heights to make them easy to reach for children.

Proper hydration is necessary for proper brain function. If you want the students to be at their best they need a good resource for water. It helps maintain logical thinking, endurance with problem-solving, and memory.


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