Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Don't Drink Tap When You Have an Oasis Water Dispenser

It makes no sense to me why anyone would want to drink regular tap water when things like the Oasis water cooler exists.  From personal experience tap water has never ever tasted anywhere near as good with its strong chlorine taste and odor.  There have even been time where the water has come out foggy which is an obvious no-go for me.  Or anyone else for that matter.  I've talked to people about these problems and almost all of them have said I should just turn the faucet on for a couple of seconds prior to drinking it.  I was taken aback by this because this method sounds like a complete waste of water.  I would have to do this every single time I drink water from the tap?  No thank you.

Having a water cooler or attaching an Aqua Pure filter to my tap water line is the only way to drink water as far as I am concerned.  Tap water is just way too disgusting for me to even consider drinking.  I would use it to boil food, wash produce and the like, and shower in but that is definitely about it.  With all of this in mind, consider skipping tap water.

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