Monday, February 13, 2012

Why I Prefer Everpure Water Over Tap Water

I cannot stand tap water.  I try to drink it sometimes but the taste can be just too much to stomach.  That strong chlorine taste is icky to say the least.  The only thing that strong chemical taste is good for is to hide the metallic taste I sometimes get when drinking tap water.  But even then it is barely enough to make regular tap water something I would enjoy drinking.  This is part of the reason why I choose to drink Everpure water.

Simply put, filtered water just tastes much better than tap water.  There is no noticeable taste of chlorine or other chemicals.  Also, there is no metallic taste or strange odor.  Think about it for a moment:  water with a strange odor.  How disgusting is that?  Water is not supposed to taste like anything at all let alone smell.  Everpure water filters allow you to clean your water system of possible contaminants and enables you to drink healthy water without having to waste a ton of money on bottled water.  Since you are using your own water, you do not accumulate any bottles you have to get rid of in the future.  This helps in lowering your carbon footprint.

If you want clean tasting water, it is hard to beat filtered water.

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